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Posted by on Oct 12, 2015 in Uncategorized |

Our Holiday Extravaganza is Coming!

Our Holiday Extravaganza is Coming!

It is almost the happiest time of the year! Now that the leaves are turning brown and the kids are back in school it’s time to start planning for all the festivities these next few months bring. For us at Mothers Helping Others, that means our main focus is to start planning our Holiday Extravaganza! Our Holiday Extravaganza is the main event and the best way to wrap up our year at Mothers Helping Other. The holidays can be a tough time for many families, but they are especially hard for families that cannot afford presents for their children. Many children in these families do not receive presents on Christmas morning and their parents are left feeling like they let their children down. Here, at Mothers Helping Others, we understand that struggle and want to help! But we can only do so much without the help of our community, with your donations this holiday season, you can help a child wake up to a present, that they would of otherwise not have gotten without your generosity. We are hosting a toy drive in which we will be taking toy donations for children between the ages of 5-13 years. If you would like to donate please send an email to If you are unsure of what present to buy or just want to avoid another trip to the crazy mall, monetary donations are always welcomed and you can leave the shopping to us!